[[playground:playground|{{ :playground:agile:agileprocess.jpg?640 |Jump to Smartgram Wiki Main Page}}]] We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. \\ Through this work we have come to value: \\ **Individuals and interactions** over processes and tools \\ (**개개인과 상호 작용/소통**을 프로세스와 도구보다) \\ **Working software** over comprehensive documentation \\ (**제대로 동작하는 소프트웨어**를 폭넓은 문서보다) \\ **Customer collaboration** over contract negotiation \\ (**고객과의 협력**을 계약 협상보다) \\ **Responding to change** over following a plan. \\ (**변화에 대응하는 것**을 계획을 준수하는 것보다 더 가치있게 여긴다.) \\ That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.